Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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Software Distribution License
Version 1.00 January 1994
© 1994 David J Seery
15 Farm Walk
Bents Farm Estate
OL15 8LJ
This document henceforth applies to all of my software unless otherwise
specified in the accompanying documentation supplied with a specific
piece of software. Changing this document is strictly prohibited.
This document was written just after I started writing public domain
and shareware software and releasing it to the computer community at large
and I wanted to make sure that my software was ending up as it should be,
that no one was abusing it. Thus: software license equals (hopefully)
a clearer situation for all.
The license agreements of many software companies in general attempt to
keep user's rights to a minimum in an attempt to eradicate software
piracy and fraud. This license, whilst attempting to ensure that I don't
get ripped off, tries to be as free as possible so that as many people
as possible can get hold of the software.
Terms used in this document
"free software" : not free in price, but deregulated software - that is,
anyone can copy it and pass it on without restriction.
"the program" : the ENTIRE application, including any resource files,
documentation, sprites, templates, scripts, etc.,
whether this is specified in the text or otherwise.
"the licensee" : anyone owning a copy of the software.
Terms and conditions (ie the license proper)
i This license agreement applies to all programs or other works which
contain a notice placed by the copyright holder stating that it is
distributed under this license and is subject to the terms and
conditions thereof.
ii The licensee may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the program
and any source code supplied as it is received, in any medium,
provided that the copyright message is conspicuously and
appropriately published on each copy of the software. In many cases
this will already have been done by the original copyright holder
and as the licensee all you will need to do is copy such a message
which will usually be contained in the documentation.
iii No warranty, save any expressly stated in any accompanying
documentation, applies to the program to the extent permitted by
applicable law. Except when stated, in writing, the copyright
holder and any distributers of the program provide the program
"as is"; without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for any given purpose. If the program
should prove defective or damaging, the entire cost of all
necessary servicing, repair, or correction, lies with the licensee.
iv In NO EVENT, unless required by applicable law or by prior
agreement, in writing, will the copyright holder, or any other party
who may be distributing the program, be liable to the licensee for
damages, including any general, special, incidental, or consequential
damages arising from the use or inability to use the program,
including, but not limited to, loss of data or data being rendered
inaccurate, or losses sustained by the licensee or third parties
or a failiure of the program to operate satisfactorily with any
other programs, even if the copyright holder or other party has been
advised of the possibility of such damages.
v The licensee or any other party is not permitted to modify, or
take parts, in whole or in part, of the program for inclusion in
any other program, item of software, or any other product.
vi The program must be redistributed in the same form as it was
received with all files intact. See also paragraph ii above.
vii The copyright at all times remains with the original author,
and under no circumstances will this copyright be given up.
The copyright holder reserves all rights to the program, asserts
the moral right to be identified as the author of the program,
and reserves the right to alter any documentation, program source
code, or conditions of distribution without prior notice.
viii The licensee may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute, or
transfer the program except as expressly provided under this license.
Any attempt to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute, or
transfer the program outside the terms of this agreement is void
and will terminate your right to use the program under this
license. However, parties who have received copies, or rights
to use copies, from the licensee (and thus become licensees)
will not have their licenses terminated as long as such parties
remain in full compliance.
ix By copying or distributing the program the licensee accepts the
terms and conditions of this license and agrees to abide by
x Each time the program is distributed, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the copyright holder to copy or distribute
the program subject to the terms and conditions as enumerated in
this license. The licensee may not impose any further restrictions
on the recipient's right to exercise the rights granted herein.
xi All source code to the programs is copyrighted to the original
author and it is not permitted to use it, in part or in whole,
in your own programs or products without prior written permission.
If you have received the source code from the author, except in
part of the program, it should not be distributed.
xii It is not permitted to distribute this program for profit or
commercial gain. Any party found to be doing so is liable to
prosecution under civil law.
If you are a private individual, your responsibilities and rights are
merely those enumerated above; you are allowed the pass the program on
to your friends etc., free of charge. Public Domain libraries, SySops,
etc., should read the sections below.
Public Domain Libraries
If you run a Public Domain library then this section is relevant to you.
There are a few more restrictions extra to those shown above which are
relevant to all users, namely:-
i You must distribute ALL files as supplied with the program from
the original author.
ii As an exception to the above clause, if the program contains a
large ammount of source code, then the documentation may say
that it is unnecessary to distribute the code if you do not
LICENSE. Most programs come without source code anyway.
iii ALL Public Domain libraries are licensed to include the program
in their catalogues. To do otherwise, in the opinion of the
author, promotes a small group of better-known Public Domain
libraries over other, smaller, less well-known ones and restricts
competition. This is the last thing that the author wishes
to promote.
iv You may charge an ammount of money for the disc containing the
program. This is at your discretion.
v Please try to ensure that you have the latest version of the
program: this is not always possible, however, if you write to
me at the address given above, I will send you the latest version.
Please note that you are also subject to the private individuals
regulations as given above.
Bulletin Boards (SySops)
If you host a bulletin board then this section is revelant to you.
i As a bulletin board, it is not necessary to distribute source
code, to save on download time. You must include all other
files, though.
ii Please try to ensure that you have the latest version of the
program: this is not always possible, however, if you write to
me at the address given above, I will send you the latest version.
Site Licenses
This is a single user license. If you are really paranoid about FAST then
it is possible to obtain a site license from me (but there's no reason
why you should) or if you want it for some other reason, then you can
get one. For any site license, simply send £5.00 to me at the address
given at the top of this file. Seriously - don't bother for PD programs.
My ShareWare programs DO need a site license, though. Please state which
program you want a license for.
I do write ShareWare as well as Public Domain, and any general distribution
ShareWare (ie the unregistered versions) are subject to the restrictions
laid down in this file. The registered versions a counted as FULL,
COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE and must not be distributed to anyone. Doing so with
a registered version is PIRACY and THEFT. If you're using a registered
ShareWare program on more than one computer you need a site license, see
the section on Site Licenses.